Friday 13 June 2008

Report: ET Knew It Had Been Punk'd

Entertainment Tonight was informed in advance that a story that it intended to air about the birth of Angelina Jolie's twins was a hoax -- but ran the story anyway, the Associated Press reported Wednesday, citing documents and two people with knowledge of the exchange. The AP said that Jolie's personal assistant, Holly Goline, who was named by ET as the source of its story, contacted the producers of the television show after they posted the story on the ET website (but before it went on the air). Goline reportedly told the program "that their information came from an impostor," according to the AP source, who said that several conversations and email exchanges took place before the ET report aired. The show declined to comment on the AP report except to say that it was "actively investigating the matter." In its report the AP commented: "The mystery of who was sending the e-mail fit perfectly into the world of celebrity gossip, in which rumor and third-hand sources coalesce into 'facts' at the speed of the Internet."

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